Get the Support You Need

Get the Support You Need

a phone taking a photo of a beautiful ocean scene

Social Media Management

Build meaningful conversations with your clients and customers—where and how you can best reach them—without spending all your time on social media. Here’s how I can help you grow better.
busy desk with laptop, desk lamp, books and magazines

Writing & Editing

Polish your words to communicate the best way possible. Here’s how I can help you say it well.
hands typing on a laptop

Social & Web Management for Authors

Be done trying to win the internet all by yourself. Let’s build your best social and web presence together.
a messy pile of dollar bills

What Does All This Cost?

That’s an important question and the answer may sound frustrating, but it depends. It really does depend on what you need because everyone’s needs are different. Here are some pricing options to consider. Initial consultations are always free, and then we can work together to determine what I can do for you and how we want to manage the billing.